Sunday, May 22, 2011

{soups-salads-and-salad-dressings} OT: Prayer Request


Sorry I haven't been here for a few days! I have had so much going on
but this is for a dear friend.

5 year old Harlie B. had surgery for a brain tumor last week and the
doctors discovered that the whole thing is cancerous. They had
thought not when they did the MRI. They have given this beautiful
little girl a year to live. Her dear parents have to homeschool her
this year when she was so looking forward to being a big first grader.
She will be too sick from the chemo to go to school. Her parents,
Jamie and Lisa, have to tell their other children (14 and 17 years
old) and Harlie about all of this. I can't even imagine how these 2
wonderful people are going to cope. Their whole family is going to
need the strength of their friends, family and most of all our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please send them lots of prayers.

Thank you,


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