Thursday, February 23, 2012

{soups-salads-and-salad-dressings} Bulgarian Potato Salad


Bulgarian Potato Salad

1 lb raw potatoes
8 Pieces of Green Onion/ or 2 Heads of White Onion
Fresh Parsley

Take the potatoes and wash them. Then put them in water to boil ( boil until ready.
Peal the potatoes while still hot. Set a side and ait them to cool down for like 10 min.
Cut the potatoes as on the photo ( bigger chunks)and put them in a larger bowl.
Take the green onion and chop it, af you have fresh onion cut the head on 2 then cut each half on to rainbow pieces.
Add the onion to the potatoes.
Wash the parsley and chop it, then add it to the potatoes and the onion.
Add 1-2 tea spoons of dill (can be dried or fresh) add oil about 5-6 tablespoons, add about 3-4 spoons vinegar, and salt on taste.
Add savory *secret ingredient*
Stir in all the ingredients and taste, if the vinegar is little add a bit more, if you think you need more oil add a bit more!
Set a side in a fridge for a while. Serve with bread or as a separate side dish


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